Got it the first time don't worry.. But found it too small to be described
otherwise :-)


On Wednesday, August 10, 2011, Wagner <> wrote:
> I don't think you got the link, so here it is:
> https github_com/orusdev/OTRS-Survey-Answer
> 2011/8/10 Wagner <>
>> It's not so small to be pasted here...
>> I wanted to make it in perl, would be the best way to include it inside
otrs code, but I know nothing about perl, and how I needed it ASAP, I
developed it in python.
>> Also, If anyone knows where is the file that creates the survey for the
user, would help a lot as we would be able to execute the script right after
the survey been answered not in the crontab as I'm doing.
>> This version is for someone who wants to test the script, helping
improoving it, or needs it ASAP also.
>> I'm working on migrate this to perl for better integration, so soon I'll
post it here
>> I will create a install script also to fit all installations, with all
databases, at this beginning you must change the script by yourself and is
working only with mysql database
>> The code is very commented, so I hope it helps, I've created a repository
in Github, for a better explanation of how it works, and easier to update
>> <>
>> Please read the comments on how to use and configure it.
>> Hope it helps you guys
>> Any doubt, or error, please do tell me
>> Thanks
>> 2011/8/9 Muhammad El-Sergani <>
>>> Copy and paste the contents? :-)
>>> Thanks and Best Regards,
>>> Muhammad El-Sergani.
>>> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 9:04 PM, Wagner <> wrote:
>>>> Well, I think everything is working, including the script
>>>> how can I send it here?
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Thanks and Best Regards,
Muhammad El-Sergani.
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