On 8 February 2013 15:55, Gerald Young <cryth...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>The database is the only logical place for that information to live
> Static connection information? Maybe not. Configuration? ... I'd be inclined
> to concur. The problem with the database method with a table based data
> source is the freeform data. Move it to something non-sql, like perhaps ldap
> or other NoSQL, and this should be much better handled as desired.

Yes I agree that there does need to be a level of configuration that
needs to be maintained like database for the initial connection, but
other than that I don't really care what is used as the backend
storage for the config. They can continue to use flat files, but it
must be a single location: db, single file or folder (containing live
config and live config only, no other random backup or crap files)
that can be picked up and dropped into another system to make upgrades

I've fallen into the pit of despair in v2.x by customising OTRS
heavily then spend 3 months trying to upgrade it and fix the previous
customisation, so now with v3 I tend to stick with "stock" OTRS, but
even then it's still a right PITA to upgrade as it's so intertwined
with the data and config that it consumed, no clear boundary.

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