On 8 February 2013 16:37, David Boyes <dbo...@sinenomine.net> wrote:
> Actually, it’s not that bad.
> At the most basic level, you can treat the static info as an array of text
> lines and read/interpret them sequentially. That at least doesn’t bind the
> information to a file on a specific server and gives you much more granular
> control of configuration management on operating systems that have
> essentially only two privilege levels (root/non-root).
> As an interim step on that clustered OTRS system I mentioned in another
> thread, we’ve stored the config files in git and modified the OTRS startup
> script to check out the configuration files from the git server based on the
> node id at startup and a “current configuration” tag. The basic principle is
> sound (and you get very detailed configuration control) – it wouldn’t be too
> hard to migrate to storing the static info in a table.
> Where do you see the big problems?

With all due respect David your system is highly customised and you
must have the people power (or skills) to maintain your custom setup.
I don't want to have to do any of that custom piece, and more to the
point I shouldn't have to do that.

I want OTRS to focus on putting an enterprise/more
manageable/maintainable slant on things, rather than it still feeling
very much like a pet project that needs constant nurturing. And yes
there is the argument that it is "free"/open source so take it or
leave it, but even the paid version doesn't really offer any
advantages other than 101 unnecessary add-ons and someone on the end
of a phone to answer questions, and I'm technically competent enough
not to need to pay someone for that.

Since the change of hands it's beginning to feel very much like a
closed application they just happen to release the code to, the
community development side of the project has gone leaving very little
ability to request/influence development.

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