What's the system email address attached to the queue?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 10:36 AM, Zemánek Jiří <zema...@oksystem.cz> wrote:

>  Fetch is working fine.****
> Problem is sending (the notification I guess).****
> ** **
> "provide better information on what doesn't work"****
> ** **
> I´d like to, but the error message I posted is all I can find. If there
> are any other log files****
> besides /opt/otrs/var/log, I don´t know where.****
> ** **
> "If you're encountering exactly the same error messages as before, you
> didn't change anything relevant to what is the problem"****
> ** **
> Yes, but what should I try then?****
> ** **
> "for instance, you are using SMTP auth and aren't allowed to spoof/relay"*
> ***
> ** **
> As I wrote, the installation script http://localhost/otrs/installer.plfound 
> e-mail address
> outsourc...@oksystem.impl as suitable for both send/receive.****
> ** **
> ** **
> Anyway, I appreciate your try to help. Thank you. It just seems that OTRS
> is no go for us.****
> ** **
> Regards****
> JZ****
> ** **
> *From:* otrs-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:otrs-boun...@otrs.org] *On Behalf
> Of *Gerald Young
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 21, 2013 4:19 PM
> *To:* User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> *Subject:* Re: [otrs] Couldn't send mail: 550 5.7.1 Client does not have
> permissions to send as this sender****
> ** **
> >"it's still not working" ****
> "it should work"****
> >"it doesn't"****
> "try something different"****
> >"I did"****
> "well, then it's working how it should"****
> >"but it's not how I wanted"****
> "provide better information on what doesn't work (error messages, log
> files, path to replicate) and we might be able to help"****
> ** **
> If you're encountering exactly the same error messages as before, you
> didn't change anything relevant to what is the problem. For instance,
> changing outbound email won't fix fetch. It will only change, potentially,
> the notification "client does not have permissions to send as this sender"
> ... If you're still having that error, it's a server side issue (for
> instance, you are using SMTP auth and aren't allowed to spoof/relay).****
> If you are encountering new errors, then they would be instrumental in
> further addressing the issue.****
> :) ask better questions, get better answers.****
> ** **
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Zemánek Jiří <zema...@oksystem.cz>
> wrote:****
> OK, I changed both sender e-mail addresses for the system to
> outsourc...@oksystem.impl****
> but it´s still not working.****
>  ****
> System log (Admin tab in web GUI) does not say anything about e-mail
> address and****
> /opt/otrs/var/log contains only TicketCount.log****
>  ****
> Regards****
> JZ****
>  ****
> *From:* otrs-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:otrs-boun...@otrs.org] *On Behalf
> Of *Gerald Young
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 21, 2013 3:55 PM****
> *To:* User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> *Subject:* Re: [otrs] Couldn't send mail: 550 5.7.1 Client does not have
> permissions to send as this sender****
>  ****
> pretty much can guarantee your email service provider won't allow you to
> send as otrs@localhost. ****
>  ****
> Still, your otrs logs will tell you what the from email address will be. *
> ***
>  ****
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Zemánek Jiří <zema...@oksystem.cz> wrote:
> ****
> Hello,****
>  ****
>             thanks for reply.****
>  ****
> "What email address?"****
> "First determine what the "From" address is that is causing this issue"***
> *
>  ****
> That´s what I´d like to know :-)****
>  ****
> My system email addresses are:****
>  ****
> otrs@localhost (default)****
> outsourc...@oksystem.impl****
>  ****
> I created "NOTIFICATION" queue into which are incoming emails moved by
> PostMaster Filter.****
> This queue has outsourc...@oksystem.impl set as sender address.****
>  ****
> (This email adress was used during initial configuration as OTRS´s mailbox
> and was successfully verified by the installation script.)****
>  ****
> And then I created Notification (events) linked with this "NOTIFICATION"
> queue (but there is no definition for sender address).****
>  ****
> JZ****
>  ****
> *From:* otrs-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:otrs-boun...@otrs.org] *On Behalf
> Of *Gerald Young
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 21, 2013 3:21 PM
> *To:* User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> *Subject:* Re: [otrs] Couldn't send mail: 550 5.7.1 Client does not have
> permissions to send as this sender****
>  ****
> Or, you're getting the subject's message because OTRS is attempting to
> send autoreplies for new ticket creation from an email address that, and I
> quote: ****
> does not have permissions to send as this sender****
> What email address? The system email address attached to the queue in
> which the ticket is created. (For AutoReplies)****
> or Notification email address sent to agents ("You have a new ticket in
> your queue").****
>  ****
> First determine what the "From" address is that is causing this issue, and
> then determine whether you want to fix this client-side or server-side.***
> *
>  ****
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Gerald Young <cryth...@gmail.com> wrote:*
> ***
> your subject of this post indicates a problem with sending email. ****
>  ****
> your body of this post indicates a problem with fetching email.****
>  ****
> What do you want fixed?****
>  ****
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Zemánek Jiří <zema...@oksystem.cz> wrote:
> ****
>   Hello there,****
>  ****
>             I´m complete newbie, I´m testing OTRS and I have this problem:
> ****
>  ****
> In the OTRS log (Admin tab) this error is repeated again and again:****
>  ****
> Can't create PID PostMasterMailbox, because it's already running
> (otrs/22327)!****
>  ****
> After some googling, I found post in which someone says to delete some row
> from DB****
> (delete from process_id where process_name = 'PostMasterMailbox';) and
> then to try****
>  ****
> /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.PostMasterMailbox.pl -f 1****
>  ****
> So I issued command****
>  ****
> [root@otrs ~]# sudo -u otrs /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.PostMasterMailbox.pl -f 1**
> **
>  ****
> But it displays error in the subject.****
> How do I find which sender it is trying to send e-mail as?****
>  ****
> JZ****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ------------------------------
> Upozornění společnosti OKsystem s.r.o. s ohledem na zavedené standardy ISO
> 9001, ISO 27001 a ISO 14001:
> Tato zpráva a všechny připojené soubory jsou dle obchodního zákoníku
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> Opravdu potřebujete vytisknout tento email? Myslete na přírodu.
> Disclaimer of OKsystem s.r.o. with respect to implemented standards ISO
> 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 14001:
> This message and all attached files are confidential and legally
> privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender
> and delete the message including all attachments.
> Please consider the environment before printing this email.****
>  ****
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>   ****
>  ****
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>  ****
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> ** **
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