On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Steven Carr <sjc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No idea, you already asked that in another thread. Use a web browser with
> development tools enabled and see if there are any javascript errors in the
> javascript console when you try to use autocomplete.
> On 23 April 2013 09:37, Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Steven Carr <sjc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Change the permissions to allow the user OTRS runs as to write to the
>>> location?
>>> And you probably want to put the location back to it's original and
>>> create that directory if it doesn't exist. /etc/ssl/certs are the linux
>>> system certificates, OTRS is wanting a location to store it's own SMIME
>>> certs.
>> Thanks Steven for the quick reply. Whenever any agents reply on the OTRS
>> Interface the customers emailid do not get autocompleted or auto filled.
>> Anything I need to set it to make it work. Please let me know if you need
>> more information.
>> OTRS Version 3.2.5 on CentOS Linux Version 6.4
>> Regards,
>> Kaushal
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I just recently upgraded OTRS to 3.2.6 but the auto fill feature whenever
the Agent responds to customers email in OTRS Web Application doesnot work.
Checked webserver,smtp,database and syslog nothing there and have checked
for JS errors using Firebug no issues there but still the autocomplete
feature doesnot work. Let me know if anyone needs any configuration files.
Any suggestions please? This feature has become a blocker for me and my


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