
You can use the script I put here:

Michiel Beijen
Senior Developer

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The Netherlands

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On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Stanford, Philip N. <p...@noc.ac.uk> wrote:
> Thanks Gerald
> We do need ‘customer group  support’ in our environment!
> I had already made the 4-line additions that you suggested;  I did alter
> what else I thought was logical, and indeed I have looked at the
> ‘AddUser2Service.pl’ script you mentioned in the link below for inspiration
> (we’re using that script too).
> It’s probably something very simple that’s wrong, I will check where I’ve
> added ‘Customer’ again.
> The hard bit is determining “where it makes sense” !
> As the saying goes, ‘a little learning is a dangerous thing’, particularly
> when it comes to PERL ….
> Thanks again for the suggestions.
> Phil
> From: otrs-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:otrs-boun...@otrs.org] On Behalf Of
> Gerald Young
> Sent: 06 September 2013 15:00
> To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> Subject: Re: [otrs] Command-line script for adding Customer users to groups?
> customers shouldn't belong to groups...
> Ok, but bin/otrs.AddCustomerUser.pl has an option to add a user to a group,
> but it doesn't appear to actually *use* $Options{g} (bug?)
> copy otrs.AddUser2Group.pl to my.AddCustomerUser2Group.pl
> add in
> use Kernel::System::CustomerUser;
> use Kernel::System::CustomerGroup;
> create the CommonObjects to reflect Customer:
> $CommonObject{CustomerUserObject} =
> Kernel::System::CustomerUser->new(%CommonObject);
> $CommonObject{CustomerGroupObject} =
> Kernel::System::CustomerGroup->new(%CommonObject);
> Prepend "Customer" to the keys (within curly braces{}) where it makes sense
> in $CommonObject
> Test.
> I wrote this "live" and did not test, but it should resemble in some form
> this: http://forums.otterhub.org/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=12487#p48841
> On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Bogdan Iosif <bogdan.io...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It would be much simpler to perform this operation via SQL directly on
> OTRS's database
> On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Stanford, Philip N. <p...@noc.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have a script for adding Customer users to groups?
> We have a large number of customers and want to add sub-sets of these to a
> number of groups.
> I’ve tried modifying  the script otrs.AddUser2Group.pl  (which adds Agents
> to groups) without success – probably not surprisingly since I have only a
> limited acquaintance with PERL and the OTRS programming model.
> All I’m after is something that works in a similar manner to the supplied
> script below, and will add a single customer to a group, with permissions:
> # ./otrs.AddUser2Group.pl
> Usage: ./otrs.AddUser2Group.pl -g groupname -u username -p ro|rw
> Suggestions very welcome.
> Phil
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