type it.

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Rudolf Bargholz

> Hi Gerald,
> Thanks for your patience!
> I have looked, but where can I create a new ArticleType?
> Regards
> Rudolf
> *Von:* otrs-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:otrs-boun...@otrs.org] *Im Auftrag
> von *Gerald Young
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 24. März 2014 12:18
> *An:* User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> *Betreff:* Re: [otrs] Send notification based on article dynamic field
> > this starts falling apart when the customer decides to answer such a
> mail, and then we answer, they answer etc. The mails that go back and forth
> between our customers and us have endless history in them, so finding the
> concrete article that was the info about the actual patch soon becomes
> problematic
> Why should it? If you add to the reply an article based dynamic field (is
> patch notification? Yes) or add a new article-type for the reply, you can
> find that pretty quickly:
> Edit Config Settings in Ticket -> Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewCompose
> Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCompose###ArticleTypes
> (+) email-external-patch-notification
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 6:00 AM, Rudolf Bargholz <bargh...@onlinetravel.ch>
> wrote:
> Hi Gerald,
> I hope I understand what you mean with "standard reply" correctly. If not,
> please correct me.
> A ticket in our workflow contains a lot of communication with the
> customer, of which only some articles pertain to the loading of a patch.
> For audit purposes the customer needs to know when someone patched
> software, what was patched and who approved the patch. We need to be able
> to trigger a mail when an article gets appropriate flags, or at least give
> the customer a search option to find tickets relating to patches. Currently
> we can only generate a notification when ticket based fields change. The
> same holds true for the customer search interface. I can only search for
> ticket-based dynamic fields, not article-based dynamic fields. Also,
> customers almost always respond to our patch mails in our workflow, and
> sometimes we have to patch more than once.
> We thought about creating an email article template for patches, but this
> starts falling apart when the customer decides to answer such a mail, and
> then we answer, they answer etc. The mails that go back and forth between
> our customers and us have endless history in them, so finding the concrete
> article that was the info about the actual patch soon becomes problematic
> Notifications based on article body text would trigger in the original mail
> as well as with each subsequent answer mail with the predefined tags in the
> history text of the mail. Finding data also relies on full text searches,
> which in time will get slower than searches over indexed fields. In the end
> I decided against this option.
> Hope this explains our problem.
> Regards
> Rudolf
> *Von:* otrs-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:otrs-boun...@otrs.org] *Im Auftrag
> von *Gerald Young
> *Gesendet:* Samstag, 22. März 2014 02:04
> *An:* User questions and discussions about OTRS.
> *Betreff:* Re: [otrs] Send notification based on article dynamic field
> Rudolf, why isn't the standard reply adequate for this purpose? You can
> propose a template that includes all the Body-necessary fields and send to
> .. whomever you need.
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Rudolf Bargholz <bargh...@onlinetravel.ch>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just to report back on this issue:
> As no one was able to supply an idea to solve our problem (my Perl
> experience is non-existent) we have chosen the following to resolve our
> customers problem:
> 1)      Created the following dynamic fields: TicketPatchApprovedBy,
> TicketPatchFlag, ArticlePatchApprovedBy, ArticlePatchFlag. The ApprovedBy
> is a text field which we use to enter the name of the person that approved
> the patch/loading of a new version at the customer site. PatchFlag is a
> list with the values "patch" or "fullversion".
> 2)      Our support employees, when asked by the customer, enter these
> values when the customer allows us to patch their software. If in the
> course of a ticket the software has to be patched more than once we send
> them a new article and add the ArticlePatchApprovedBy and ArticlePatchFlag
> values.
> 3)      In the customer interface we now allow the user to search for
> TicketPatchApprovedBy or TicketPatchFlag. If the customer expands all the
> articles and searches for "patch:" they find all the articles in the ticket
> pertaining to the loading of a patch.
> 4)      We searched for "DynamicField" in the SysConfig in order to make
> the patch flags visible in the Agent and Customer frontends.
> Advantage: it works for our needs:
> Disadvantage: we can only define one Notification-Event on the ticket when
> we set the ticket patch flag. It would be more useful for us to have the
> article trigger the notification and us send the body of the article in the
> notification mail, but I guess that just is not possible at the moment.
> Thanks to everyone that responded.
> Regards
> Rudolf
> *Von:* otrs-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:otrs-boun...@otrs.org] *Im Auftrag
> von *Rudolf Bargholz
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 13. März 2014 16:44
> *An:* Stein Erik Berget; User questions and discussions about OTRS. (
> otrs@otrs.org)
> *Betreff:* Re: [otrs] Send notification based on article dynamic field
> Hi Sten,
> Thanks for responding.
> In the course of a ticket there could be more than one situation in which
> a patch of the production software would be necessary, so there could be
> more than one article in one ticket that indicates a patch was loaded.
> In the customer interface they can see the articles with article based
> dynamic tickets, but the searching for the tickets using dynamic fields of
> type article does not seem possible, so we thought the mail notification
> might be an elegant solution to inform the customer of patches made, and
> send the mails to a dedicated mail address that the customer could collect
> all patch mails approved by different persons in a central location.
> As a last resort we will change the article dynamic field to a ticket
> dynamic field.
> Again, thanks for responding.
> Regards
> Rudolf
> *Von:* Stein Erik Berget [mailto:s...@escenic.com <s...@escenic.com>]
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 13. März 2014 15:51
> *An:* User questions and discussions about OTRS. (otrs@otrs.org); Rudolf
> Bargholz
> *Betreff:* Re: [otrs] Send notification based on article dynamic field
> On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 15:26:35 +0100, Rudolf Bargholz <
> bargh...@onlinetravel.ch> wrote:
> Hi,
> Our requirement ist to inform our customer when we load a patch on their
> productive environment. In order to log this information we have created
> two new dynamic fields or type "article":
> LoadInfo: if this is a "patch" or a "fullversion"
> Approval: the name of the person that approved the patch
> We have tried to use the notifications in OTRS to generate a mail to the
> customer whenever an article is created with a "LoadInfo" = "patch" or
> "fullversion":
> http://support.com/otrs/index.pl?Action=AdminNotificationEvent;Subaction=Add
> Unfortunately in the Admin-"Add" window for the notification the ticket
> section displays the dynamic fields, but in the article section it does not
> seem possible to filter the articles based on values in the dynamic fields.
> Is this just the way that this is, or can I somehow in the SysConfig tell
> the notifications to search over the dynamic article fields?
> Why do you need this to be an dynamic field of type 'Article'? If it where
> of type 'Ticket' could you use both Generic Agent and Notifications (Event).
> --
> Stein Erik Berget
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