We are using a remote MySQL database (remote as in not on the same machine as 
the OTRS installation but in the same network vlan).
Is this a recommended or supported setup? We are seeing slowdowns of up to 15 
minutes on the OTRS system occasionally.

Yes, that's a perfectly fine setup, but.... it's usually a good idea to not 
share the same database server instance with other workload unless you really 
understand how the different workloads use the database server and you can 
really measure how the different workloads behave. Naively-constructed queries 
from other workloads to other tables in a shared database server can make OTRS 
unhappy if the other workload uses long-lasting locks on system catalog 
resources, or other shared resources in the database server. Very few 
developers play nice in shared environments these days - designing good code is 
hard; throwing more hardware at the problem is lots easier. Recent versions of 
OTRS have been much, much better about playing nice - kudos to the OTRS devs.

When you say 15 minutes, is that wait time for searches or adding new records 
or ??? If that's adding new records, there's definitely something not cool with 
the database server or application server configuration.  Do you have a 
performance monitor on the database server? If so, what does it say? Is your 
database server set for table or record-level locking? How many simultaneous 
sessions? Average ticket volume?

Need more data.

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