On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 1:08 PM Leonid Ryzhyk <ryz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear OVN developers,
> This is a brief update on the state of the DDlog port of ovn-northd.
> We completed the initial implementation of ovn-northd in DDlog few months
> ago.  Justin kindly
> helped to integrate it with OVN, so that it can be used as a drop-in
> replacement for the C
> version (and passes all the tests in the OVN test suite).  The DDlog
> implementation does
> not have any of the new features/improvements added in April 2019 or later.
> ## Repository
> The code is in the `ddlog-dev` branch of the `ovn-org/ovn` repository:
> https://github.com/ovn-org/ovn/tree/ddlog-dev
> ## Documentation
> Building and using ovn-northd-ddlog:
> https://github.com/ovn-org/ovn/blob/ddlog-dev/ovn/northd/docs/design.md
> Debugging ovn-northd-ddlog:
> https://github.com/ovn-org/ovn/blob/ddlog-dev/ovn/northd/docs/debugging.md
> ## Preliminary performance results
> Han Zhou kindly tested ovn-northd-ddlog with his OVN scale test and even
> found a nasty
> performance bug in the process (thanks, Han!).  He reports that DDlog
> speeds up the test
> by almost a factor of 10:
> - ddlog version: 7:39min
> - C version: 67:47min
> This is great, and in fact profiling shows that there is still plenty of
> space for
> improvement.  He also reports a 10+ times increase in memory footprint:
> - ddlog version: 1944696KB
> - C version: 147984KB
> Again, we are working on a number of optimizations, which should reduce
> this overhead; although it will never be as low as C, since DDlog
> fundamentally
> needs to cache more state to enable fast incremental computation.
> Han also used DDlog's record&replay feature to capture all northd
> transactions
> performed by the scale test in a format that can be replayed against the
> standalone DDlog executable without having to reproduce Han's OpenStack
> setup.
> The replay file is here: http://ryzhyk.net/replay.tgz
> Instructions for replaying this script:
> https://github.com/ovn-org/ovn/blob/ddlog-dev/ovn/northd/docs/debugging.md#record-and-replay-ddlog-execution
> The script will run for a few
> minutes and finally print some profiling information, including the
> breakdown of
> DDlog's CPU and memory usage.
> ## Next steps
> We seek help from the OVN community in maintaining ovn-northd-ddlog.  The
> first
> step is to start porting new OVN features introduced in the last few months
> to
> DDlog.
Thanks Leonid for the updates and the instructions.  Right now I am working
on some
of the other OVN stuff. After that I will definitely try it out.


> Leonid
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