I could use a little help with the design of my 1-wire network. My
intention is to build a temperature sensing grid throughout a data
center using several hundred sensors. 

1. Out of the available supported interfaces (RS232: ibuttonlink,
DS9097E, DS9097; USB: DS9490, PuceBaboon), which would you recommend for
this application, keeping in mind the large network involved? It is my
understanding that, due to network weight limitations, I will probably
need to use multiple interfaces & run multiple instances of OWFS. I'm
hoping to get ~100 sensors and ~700-800 feet of cable per interface.

2. Are any 1-Wire to Ethernet interfaces supported, or are there plans
to do so in the near future (eg, HA7Net, LinkHubE)?

3. Which temperature sensor would you recommend? There seem to be half a
dozen varieties. I was looking at the DS18S20.

4. Speeds: Parasitic mode just takes too long. If I want to apply power
to my sensors to make things fast, how would I go about it? I'm assuming
an external 5VDC power supply providing power on the third pin of the
sensors, grounded to the 1-Wire bus? Does anyone know how much current
I'd need to provide to feed ~100 sensors?

Any other thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

| , |      ___   ___ _  -- Ryan P. Wright
| _/__  __/ _ \ |   | | -- MSCF Operations
|   \ \/ / /_\ \| | | | -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|_|\_\  /_/---\_\_|___| -- 

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