i will use collectd (www.collectd.org) with the onewire plugin.
But i have noticed that the reading from the data (By cat, owread at the 
commandline) it works for an lot of reads, but
sometimes it will take an long time. I suggest that this long time is the same 
as when i try to read data from the 
uncached directory.
So the point is (Also an suggestion) that over owfs together with fuse the 
reading in the cached directory will take 
sometimes too long and so collectd (And maybe Zabbix) went to an timeout with 
the reading of data.
The value of sensors, the frequency for reading data and the frequency for 
update data in the cached directory can 
punt the system sometimes in an bad timing so that for an longer time no data 
can be read without an timeout.
By that it take here no matter, if the bus is only be read from owfs or if it 
will be first read in by owserver and than 
owfs and owhttpd will read from the server.

Best regards,

From: Coudy 
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 8:34 PM
To: OWFS (One-wire file system) discussion and help 
Subject: Re: [Owfs-developers] Missing data



owfs and owserver are not running in same time. I started with owserver and 
used it for several months. Maybe after 1 month ago, I switched to owfs and it 
did not helped. Currently I run only one instance/process of owfs.

Wiring problem ? I'm not sure, because sometime it run ok, so if it will be 
wiring problem this will not  happen.


Data was read with owget/owread when I run as owserver, now are they read with 
cat /mountpoint/sensor/temperature, because I it is running as owfs. I always 
thought, that cached data are stored in ram, that they are periodically read by 
server, but when I ask for data, it first time take several seconds, then they 
are displayed, and when I ask second time, then they are cached. 

BTW, my polling frequency in Zabbix to read data is 30 seconds. 


2014-10-26 12:02 GMT+01:00 Roland Franke <fl...@franke-prem.de>:


  > Subject: [Owfs-developers] Missing data

  > Hi, 

  > I'm using owfs with 19x DS18B20 temperature sensor with 2x DS9097 passive 
adapter. I have split my installation to two buses. Everything is 
  > running on my home NAS server (Core2Duo). I have problem with missing data. 
Sometimes data are not received. 
  > I have tried it running as owserver and read data with owread/owget, and 
running as fuse mount point and read data with cat commad. Result is
  > same. To store values I use Zabbix. 

  How will be the data read in by Zabbix.
  An similar problem is by collectd with the onewire plugin.
  My suggestion by both will be, that the cached data can be not read in the 
time, owfs will update them.
  Maybe the update there is not only an copy from the uncached data to the 
cached data at one time.
  There will be the similar way to read in the data like the uncached version 
and this will take longer time
  (By more sensors it will take an long time).

  Can this suggestion be right?

  Best regards,
  Roland Franke


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