Have you looked at the work done by the OPC Consortium?  They are rather 
far down the track in the direction you are headed.
It is a quasi-open source project (membership in the club required ).  I 
believe it was initially funded by Siemens, AB, Honeywell and others.  
In other words heavy hitters.  I believe the initial goal of the project 
was to replace legacy scada systems, but has traveled far beyond that.  
After all home/industrial automation is home/industrial automation.
The concepts and problems are the same.  Why replow fields and reinvent 

On 22/02/16 17:30, Matthias Urlichs wrote:
> On 07.02.2016 21:39, Jerry Scharf wrote:
>> Here is a problem statement that I wrote up about how to move to what I
>> think of as a distributed building automation system.
> I'm also thinking about (and designing+coding in) this problem space,
> albeit with a few key differences.
> * I disagree that state should only be inherent in messaging. That means
> you have nothing to return to after a crash, reboot, or power failure.
> "I have no ide whether the alarm system is armed" is not a reasonable
> system state.
> * I also disagree that there should be no configuration. Configuration
> is necessary. _Something_ shall tell the system what the code for
> disarming the alarm is. Or simply which switch(es) control which light(s).
> * However, I agree that any one central essential system must be allowed
> to fail, if only to continue operation when updating the thing. The
> corollary is that processing may indeed happen anywhere, and should be
> able to take over quickly when warranted.
> Talk is cheap. So are concept papers; I have to admit I'm one of the
> persons who have discovered that the hard way. You need a minimal
> working system to have a reasonable discussion. Haystack has clients and
> servers in multiple languages, including some (albeit at first glance
> rather rather incomplete) unit tests, but are these actually *used* by
> somebody for anything?
> WRT "nest" vs. "thermostat" model: The Nest model is not about
> controlling your home. It is about keeping data about your home in the
> cloud so that whoever offers the service (Google now owns Nest …) can do
> some deep data mining on it. It is also about the complete impossibility
> of doing anything whatsoever in your own home as soon as the Internet
> connection fails, and of having bricks instead of thermostats if the
> company providing their cloud service ever goes belly-up. Or just
> decides to no longer support them.
> The "thermostat" model is too limited. Heating is in fact a good
> example: If I know the actual valve settings at all my thermostats, I
> can raise or lower the central heating's temperature appropriately. This
> can save a lot of energy, but might be unstable unless there is two-way
> communication between these devices.
> NB: Project Haystack: the first thing I would do with that body of text
> (and code) is to rip out their unit system -- including every single
> mention of square feet, °F, or time zones. The code to convert between
> units MUST be a function of the user interface, not of every single
> agent in the system. That way lies madness.
> NB²: "users work with a meta-model" does not make sense. The meta-model
> is, per definition, the design of the language which the model is
> described in. This is fixed by the system components' design and
> implementation. Do you mean that users describe their system at a higher
> level of abstraction, i.e. in some kind of macro language? What happens
> when the user doesn't provide enough information for the agents to infer
> their devices' configuration?
> -- Matthias Urlichs
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