Just a simple point:

with owwrite you are writing ‘/FF.xxx’ but with perl 'uncached/FF.xx’, so your 
test are not 100% equivalent.

Please check if this is the reason for the different behaviour (which could 
give a clue on the bug).


> On 17 Mar 2016, at 12:17, Andy Carter <o...@ply.me.uk> wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 Mar 2016 22:25:30 Johan Ström wrote:
>> When testing these old versions, you may have to build with ./configure 
>> --enable-debug --enable-traffic (or something similar, cannot recall 
>> exactly), as these was not default until just a few releases ago.
>> With that, can you please upload the full logs for both 2.9p3 and 2.9p5? 
>> There may be subtle difference which are important.
> This morning I have built 2.9p3, 2.9p5 and 3.1p1, all from source with 
> --enable-debug and for the early versions --enable-owtraffic
> I have run the following two scripts in this order on each..
> #!/bin/sh
> owwrite "/FF.870900000100/backlight" "1"
> owwrite "/FF.870900000100/line20.0" "Hello World - CLI"
> owwrite "/FF.870900000100/line20.1" "abcdefg - CLI"
> owwrite "/FF.870900000100/line20.2" "0123456 - CLI"
> owwrite "/FF.870900000100/line20.3" "Bye - CLI"
> owwrite "/FF.870900000100/backlight" "0"
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use OWNet;
> my $owserver = OWNet->new('localhost:4304 -v -C');
> $owserver->write("uncached/FF.870900000100/backlight","1");
> $owserver->write("uncached/FF.870900000100/line20.0","Hello World -perl");
> $owserver->write("uncached/FF.870900000100/line20.1","abcdefg - perl");
> $owserver->write("uncached/FF.870900000100/line20.2","0123456 - perl");
> $owserver->write("uncached/FF.870900000100/line20.3","Bye - perl");
> $owserver->write("uncached/FF.870900000100/backlight","0");
> but something unexpected happened. The owwrite version is working as it 
> should 
> on all versions, it's only the perl version that has issues on the later two. 
> OWNet.pm from sources in each case 
> Perhaps my problem is not the same as Nico's?
> Logs, hopefully, at
> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/267ac63d59b747bbd13a
> Andy
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