In response to the wired ethernet issue :

All those Pi clones will have the same problems with much less support than a 


> On Feb 21, 2019, at 19:53, Gregg Levine <> wrote:
> Hello!
> it is interesting that you mention OpenWRT in this context. Early in
> the cycles regarding OWFS one of us got it to work on an appropriately
> configured WRT54GL router. That meant following a website's
> instructions to open the rig and find and attach to it the two serial
> ports it needs to continue.
> Oh and that also includes constructing the adapters needed to
> translate the 3,.3V logic levels on the Router board to the RS232
> levels need to make the serial adapters work.
> To find out more simply instruct Google to search for WRT54G serial
> port and there you are.
> I don't wear the List Manager's hat here, but I find this extremely
> interesting, and will support it.
> -----
> Gregg C Levine
> "This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."
>> On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 6:18 PM Alastair D'Silva <> 
>> wrote:
>> I'll throw in my $0.02 too...
>> I was of the opinion that it would be awesome to have an owserver
>> implementation for the ESPxxxx, but now that supercheap Linux SBCs such
>> as the Orange Pi Zero, Nanopi Neo, etc are available, it's hard to make
>> that argument based on hardware cost, especially if you need ethernet
>> rather than Wifi.
>> It's also hard to make the argument based on power, we measured an
>> underclocked Allwinner H3 at 0.25W (with the GPU disabled).
>> My current position now is that a cheap SBC takes all the software
>> effort away, and the write wear issue can be solved either by
>> netbooting or using a readonly root filesystem - Buildroot & OpenWRT
>> are both good choices to build this.
>> --
>> Alastair D'Silva           mob: 0423 762 819
>> skype: alastair_dsilva
>> Twitter: @EvilDeece
>> blog:
>> On Thu, 2019-02-21 at 23:54 +0100, Stefano Miccoli via Owfs-developers
>> wrote:
>>> Quite an interesting discussion, please forgive me if I throw in my
>>> 1cent.
>>> We should not forget that normal RPis are educational boards, not
>>> meant for professional use. OS on a SD is a terrible idea, with
>>> regard to card corruption, but at least it is *impossible* to brick
>>> your board. Something wrong? just swap SDs and start over…  I think
>>> that this is a key point for educational/hobby use.
>>> For industrial application there is the compute module <
>>>>;, with up to
>>> 32GB  eMMC, and, as already mentioned, newer RPis can boot from USB
>>> but also from network. If you are familiar with setting up a DHCP,
>>> TFTP, NFS server, you can also try a fully storage less network
>>> client setup. (Of course this makes sense if you are going to deploy
>>> a cluster of at least five RPis. But with a reasonable server and
>>> network this easily scales up to tens of nodes.)
>>> However the main point, in my opinion, is that for most application
>>> you do not need the power of a full fledged linux system-on-chip
>>> (with 8GB+ storage, 1GB ram, 4 cores, GPU, hdmi port, ethernet, etc.)
>>> Moreover linux systems need administration and security updates, etc.
>>> so for a great number of applications it is just over kill.
>>> So if you are not going to use the distributed “intelligence” and
>>> compute power sleeping in your SOC nodes, the µcontroller is for sure
>>> the way to go.
>>> Stefano
>>>> On 21 Feb 2019, at 06:29, Colin Reese <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Joe,
>>>> I transitioned from Pis to ESP32. I was all-in on Pis, trust me. I
>>>> love linux. The issues:
>>>> It's not just the power supply. SDCards in this environment will
>>>> corrupt eventually, absolutely. There is nothing that can protect
>>>> the operating system from eventual corruption. Yes, I too, have
>>>> been lucky and had them run for years. You simply cannot count on
>>>> this with consumer-grade sd cards. You can buy industrial quality
>>>> flash or eMMC, but at this point you are spending more for your
>>>> memory than you are on the board, and often much, much more. If you
>>>> do enough research, you will find that this is simply something you
>>>> cannot practically avoid, unless you go to these expensive cards,
>>>> or do work to make a frozen, read-only operating system image that
>>>> offloads all data that need to be permanently stored onto something
>>>> like a flash drive, where you do not care if it becomes partially
>>>> corrupted. It's sad, but true. I have talked to dozens of people
>>>> who use these. Every single one has had these issues, regardless of
>>>> how good their power supply is. If your application cannot tolerate
>>>> a reformat periodically (remote devices come to mind), this
>>>> situation is simply a non-option.
>>>> The operating system is constantly being updated, and if you want
>>>> things like, I dunno, support for Python 3.5+, you have to deal
>>>> with the fact that it is often times a bleeding edge operating
>>>> system, and things simply break. LSB was non-functional for a
>>>> period ... it has at many times simply been a mess.
>>>> For me, I do not need a local database. I push it to a cloud
>>>> service (my own servers, in this case), and handle it there, and
>>>> serve it to anywhere on the net. For this reason, the complexity of
>>>> a Pi solution simply does not outweigh the above issues.
>>>> Now, you can get an ESP32, which has WiFi, 4MB flash, bluetooth, in
>>>> a tiny package, for $10. You can get one with a nice little oled
>>>> display for $19. You can get one with an sdcard and wired ethernet
>>>> for $30. You can get another version with 4MB more of program space
>>>> via PSRAM for a little more. You can get em with relays, IR
>>>> transceivers, CAN, RS485 .. lots of things. It's not quite as
>>>> diverse as the arduino ecosystem, but it is getting there for sure.
>>>> Best, you can run micropython on it and avoid having to write any C
>>>> whatsoever. I ported a ton of code over from my Pi projects. Best
>>>> of all, it is rock solid. Mine reboots once an hour, stores data in
>>>> a little json file to pick up after it reboots, and loads config
>>>> from a set of json files. It posts to a web API, hosts its own web
>>>> page for web-based config ... it's just ... wonderful.
>>>> Should probably contact me off-list if you want, as this is not
>>>> germane to OWFS, but happy to give you any info you like.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> C
>>>>> On 2/20/2019 7:38 PM, joep wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>    To some extent this follows from thread: *Reliability and
>>>>> Robustness of the DS2482-100 or DS2482-800*
>>>>>    I've been using a couple of Raspberry Pi's (RPi 1 Model A+)
>>>>> to manage the temperature, humidity and lighting in a terrarium
>>>>> since 2014/2015. One Pi is in active use while the other is used
>>>>> as a development platform to try things out on. Overall I'm
>>>>> impressed by how much one can do without spending a fortune and
>>>>> I'm quite keen to explore further.
>>>>>    One thing which always bothered me with the Pi's is the SD
>>>>> card. I've had a few corruptions (all power supply related). Even
>>>>> with a clean and stable supply I am still doubtful if one can
>>>>> achieve "industrial grade" reliability if using SD cards. So I'm
>>>>> now looking for other microcontroller options to control my 1-
>>>>> wire based system as I'm intending to extend management to my
>>>>> greenhouses where reliability is more important.
>>>>>    Options I have looked at so far include the Arduino (Uno,
>>>>> Zero or DUE) and the ESP32. Haven't fully explored the latter but
>>>>> it seems to have an incredible number of interfaces. I'm quite
>>>>> impressed by the Arduino - it's simple, there's a big choice of
>>>>> units and it's easily extensible (with a lot of pre-built modules
>>>>> available). My design will involve power switching and (ideally)
>>>>> more than one 1-wire bus (so a DS2482-100 is likely to be
>>>>> involved). The system will also interface to my network for
>>>>> monitoring and management.
>>>>>    What are your opinions re. suitable microcontrollers where
>>>>> reliability and ease of extensibility are requirements.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Joe P.
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