Am 15.08.2013 17:21, schrieb Matthias:
I was in the same situation. I tried to report a bug so i decided to
post it in the forum. There is no hint that bugs should not be reportet
there and a forum is a great place for doing it. There is even a forum
"Discuss possible bugs & feature requests (You found a bug or you're
missing a major feature? Just ask and discuss)":

Just an Idea...

Why not having a "Report issue formular" on the forum which uses a GitHub guest account and requests the user to fill in at least some details and descriptions. This eases it for users to submit issues that end up at the right place and OC benefits from more detailed issue descriptions and less complaining about bugs not taken serious.

I'm not too familiar with GitHub's issue tracker, but we do something like this in our webclients as a sort of customer feedback button.


PS: I love the vision of OC but also still hesistate to use it (beside some trying out sessions). My opinioin also is that the core features must be 100% stable before adding a lot of cool features on top of it

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