All I've found with mvc after using it for a few months is
that I can't meet my deadlines.... but maybe I'm just an idiot. :)

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Richard Carde <> wrote:
> It's Friday...
> On 16 Mar 2010, at 22:24, Jonathan Parker <>
> wrote:
> Keep a lookout for Umbraco 5 as well as this is going to be written in
> I see this a fair bit and wonder... "If ASP.NET MVC came out first, would
> people now be saying 'going to be [re-]written in ASP.NET Web Forms'"?
> *shudder*
> It's new... it must be better?
> I understand the benefits of MVC (or, more realistically, not using the
> abuse of HTML & HTTP that is WebForms) as I have a classic ASP background
> and good understanding of the protocols used on the Interwebs, but it just
> seems like people jump on the latest and greatest without understanding what
> that brings (good and bad). More XSS, etc. perhaps? Dunno.
> I know MVC has some helpers to properly encode output and that's great
> providing you know how/when/why one uses them. Same goes for outputting into
> strings used by JavaScript - watchout for the apostrophes and backslashes
> etc.
> <sarcasm>Thank goodness ASP.NET traps 'dodgy' characters like < and > in
> user supplied data</sarcasm>
> --
> Richard Carde

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