Hey Paul & rest of list,

Webforms was and is not bad. At it's conception it was revolutionary. If ASP. NET Mvc had come out first, it would have had less of a "known problem space" to learn from and prolly would not be as good as it is now. In fact, webforms will continue to play a huge part. Microsoft is acutely aware of the current barrier in terms of learning curve to start developing on the MSFT stack. ASP.NET Mvc doesn't really help as it requires a good base understanding of frameworks and design principles. Webforms has a good leg up here with rich controls to use, purist and technical usage aside. However it still requires some framework knowledge.

At any rate, I love both. Webforms can and does work well. So does Mvc. Both require more effort in different areas of the dev process.

A good example is the update panel. This control is brain dead easy to use, automatically caters for non js scenario but can transfer excessive amounts of data and get tricky in complex situations. Mvc has no such productivity boosting out of the box control. However u can do the same with more effort but also yield great flexibility in the control of what goes down the wire and interaction with ur page. So both can work with positives and negatives either way.

If webforms was a lot more extensible, would ur argument change? The team is actively working towards this in future design considerations.

- Paul

Sent from my iPhone

On 19/03/2010, at 4:27 PM, Paul Stovell <p...@paulstovell.com> wrote:

>> As a completely unrelated note, one of the original crew on WebForms sits down the hall from me - part of me wants to walk into his office, grab him by the collar and say 'What were you thinking?!!!'

Although I personally came to dislike the Web Forms model, I do think it was innovative and an idea that deserved to be tried, and I'm sure the people who worked on it were very smart. Even bad ideas deserve a chance to see if they float - that's how we learn. I think the only mistake was waiting this long to absorb the thinking of other communities and to try something different.


On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 3:05 PM, David Kean <david.k...@microsoft.com> wrote:
By MVC here I'm clearly talking about ASP.NET MVC, not the pattern.

My point is that there is a huge barrier to entry to presentation patterns such as MVC, MVP and MVVM - that if Microsoft was to adopt these as the only way to develop Web and Client apps, we wouldn't be as successful. There is a huge market of developers (mainly web based) under what we call the 'breadth developer' that would be excluded by these advanced concepts. Hell if you'd told me just over 9 years ago (years before I joined Microsoft) that I needed to learn not only this new thing called .NET but also this pattern called MVC, I would have turned and run. I would have probably stayed with ASP (which what I was using at the time), before long moving to something like similar like PHP. While now I can look back at my naivety and realize now that there is a whole better way of developing software, I really think that developers need to come to that realization themselves, and not have it forced down their throat by someone else.

(As a completely unrelated note, one of the original crew on WebForms sits down the hall from me - part of me wants to walk into his office, grab him by the collar and say 'What were you thinking?!!!') From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] on behalf of David Connors [da...@codify.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:12 PM

To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: ASP.NET Web Forms vs MVC vs ...

On 19 March 2010 13:44, David Kean <david.k...@microsoft.com> wrote:
Truthfully, if MVC came before WebForms,

It did by a significant margin - but just not on .NET. That kind of underscores the point that people are adopting it because it is new (at least in their minds) - or perhaps ready made on .NET.

people wouldn't have flocked to the .NET platform like they did. There was a reason that WebForms was so successful - it mimic'd the existing drag and drop paradigm that VB6 developers were used to.

Or in otherwords, web forms was an exercise in marketing rather than good engineering.

David Connors (da...@codify.com)
Software Engineer
Codify Pty Ltd - www.codify.com
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Paul Stovell

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