Hi folks,

I'll start by saying that I'm not a web developer - I generally work on
windows and database apps.  I've recently accepted a new role with a small
company where we will be developing some apps to be made available on our
website.  The problem is the website just has some general information and
is not currently geared towards this kind of use.  It seems to be PHP based
and is maintained by an external contractor (and will continue to be for the
time being).

We need to modify the website to allow people to purchase and download our
products.  We'd also like to add some blogs and perhaps some kind of support
mechanism like forums or something.  We're trying to get a feel for what is
(or ought to be) involved to implement these changes.  I'm assuming there
are some pre-built solutions that we might be able to leverage for these
kinds of features.  Can anyone recommend anything, or commend on what effort
should be involved?

I'm also thinking I might devote some of my spare time to learning
ASP.NETand maybe have a go at this myself.  Can anyone recommend any
resources to
help with that?


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