On 4 June 2010 09:18, Arjang Assadi <arjang.ass...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you Dylan,
> Simon, I don't understand the code for the work done for a specific
> customer(s), can be a gold mine. I am not sure what owning the code
> means, anyone and everyone (competent programmer) can reproduce the
> same effect with some variation.
> Kind Regards
> Arjang
Because if the system is complex enough the customer is locked in to you for
support and enhancements.

We have a system where I work that was developed by a contractor and
enhanced over the years by the same contractor (who was assigned the IP
rights by my employer - bad mistake on their part).

To 'reproduce' the code would take months of work at great cost for us. It
is cheaper just to pay him for minor enhancements, even though his hourly
rate is exorbitant.

For him it's a gold mine.

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