Hi Arjang,


What about this:


        private Func<IQueryable<Product>, IQueryable<Product>> _getBoiFg =
qs => from c in qs

where c.DATAAREAID == "boi" && c.ITEMGROUPID == "fg"

select c;


        public List<Product> GetAll()


            using (var ctx = new DataEntities())


                return _getBoiFg(ctx.Products).ToList();




        public List<Product> GetAllContaining(string needle)


            using (var ctx = new DataEntities())


                return (from c in _getBoiFg(ctx.Products)

                        where c.Id.Contains(needle) ||

                        select c).ToList();




I would recommend against returning a List<T>. Instead returning a T[] is
better. It implies less functionality than List<T> while still ensuring that
the query is executed.


You also used a syntax which made the code misleading with the {} looking
like the declaration of the DataEntities was in a using statement.






-----Original Message-----
From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com]
On Behalf Of Arjang Assadi
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 16:32
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Refactoring linq Query Expression




I am trying to factor out the qry from GetAll and reuse it (instead of

copy and pasting ) in GetAllContaining(needle).

Here is the code: (any other points is also welcomed :)


public class Product


    public List<Product> GetAll()


        DataEntities ctx = new DataEntities();


            var qry = from c in ctx.Products

                      where c.DATAAREAID == "boi" && c.ITEMGROUPID == "fg"

                      select c;

            return qry.ToList();




    public List<Product> GetAllContaining(string needle)


        DataEntities ctx = new DataEntities();


            var qry = from c in ctx.Products

                      where (c.DATAAREAID == "boi" && c.ITEMGROUPID == "fg")

                      (c.Id.Contains(needle) || c.Name.Contains(needle))

                      select c;

            return qry.ToList();





Thank you



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