I think the simplest/lightest/quickest way to craft an ORM over a DB is LINQ
to SQL.
You can't make it any simpler that than. I don't understand why MS stopped
They try too hard to move in the "we love everyone and every db camp at the
expense of our own SQL".

Have this  page open all the time and you'll be flying with the LINQ syntax.


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:05 AM, Peter Arvoll <ozdot...@dotnetpete.com>wrote:

> Hi Les
> I my opinion LINQ is worth the learning curve because it allows fairly
> rapid development of applications compared to an application with
> dedicated business objects and associated stored procedures. We code
> generate all of our data acces objects and stored procedures but when
> there's a change to the database schema it's much quicker to modify
> the dbml file (or delete the changed entiries and drop them back on)
> than to re generate the data access objects and modify stored procs. I
> am talking LINQ to SQL here as it doesn't have the facility to update
> the model from a database.
> And LINQ can be used for more than just data access. It's a very neat
> way to interaction with collections of objects where previously you
> would have had to loop through the collections to do tasks linq had
> the foreach syntax. And it's easy to create a subset of an object
> collection too.
> LINQ to XML is in my opionion a much easier way (and faster
> development wise) to consume an XML file.
> I have not had any commercial experience with NHibernate so I am not
> able to compare there.
> Thanks
> Peter
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 1:18 AM, Les Hughes <l...@datarev.com.au> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I'm about to start working on a mid-sized data-centric app (accounting
> area)
> > which is mostly just lots of forms which display data, edit/write data,
> and
> > then spitting out some pretty reports, etc with the data sitting in SQL
> > Server. (Think of old-school MSaccess  apps)
> >
> > Wanting to avoid as much SQL plumbing as I can, I'm looking to use
> > nHibernate for a lot of the lifting, but haven't had a chance to look
> around
> > at perhaps some better packages/practices/etc which exist.
> >
> > At this stage I have spent near zero time with Linq, and have only heard
> of
> > a few other packages in passing (Fluent/Active Record/etc), and am
> wondering
> > what (if anything) I should spend some time looking in to.
> >
> > My query is:
> >
> > - Is nHibernate still the way to go? What do the rest of the .NETters use
> > for their data access layers? And why? Is Linq worth the learning curve?
> >
> > Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > --
> > Les Hughes
> > l...@datarev.com.au
> >

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