Does this mean you are sending back an object?

request.Comment = "Mock comment"

request.Body = "This is a mock body text"

If it does is the object returned visible and compliant? 

-----Original Message-----
From: "Greg Keogh" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 15:39:02 
To: 'ozDotNet'<>
Reply-To: ozDotNet <>
Subject: [OT] VBScript return string runtime error

Folks, I'm using some VBSCript to drive a COM visible library and check it's
working. But in the line in red below I get a runtime error. I'm just trying
to get a string id back from the SendRequest call. If I remove the "id = "
before the call then it works.


What's crazy is that the previous DeleteRequest call returns a bool and it
works. So why can I get a bool back from one call but not a string from the
other call?


set client = WScript.CreateObject("Foobar.ComClient.Client")

WScript.Echo "Created COM client"
flag = client.DeleteRequest("SomeKey")
WScript.Echo "Delete return = " & flag
set request = WScript.CreateObject("Foobar.ComClient.Request")
request.Comment = "Mock comment"
request.Body = "This is a mock body text"
WScript.Echo "Created request"
id = client.SendRequest(request)
WScript.Echo "Returned request Id = " & id


Created COM client

Delete return = 0

Created request

vbstest.vbs(15, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Invalid procedure call
or argument: 'client.SendRequest'



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