I believe that wrapping a parameter in parentheses forces it to be
passed ByVal - even if you've coded ByRef.

And, in VBScript, everything is a Variant (not quite the same thing as
an Object) - so you may have to use CVar occasionally.

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 8:32 PM, Mark Hurd <markeh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've replicated your problem with a simple VB6 class.
> I'm not sure of the actual cause but your fix is:
>    id = client.SendRequest((request))
> because the working client.SendRequest(request)
> is really
>    client.SendRequest (request)
> or
>    Call client.SendRequest((request)).
> The call corresponding to the original id = line Call
> client.SendRequest(request)
> or
>   client.SendRequest request
> fails with TypeMismatch for me.
> I assume the problem is VBScript only deals with Objects most of the
> time, and so doesn't like the original accurate type being passed to
> the (correct) accurate type, but the () returns the object to Object,
> which it doesn't mind passing anywhere.
> --
> Regards,
> Mark Hurd, B.Sc.(Ma.)(Hons.)
> On 28 November 2010 18:09, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:
>> I’ve been running experiments for almost two hours solid now, making mock
>> functions and passing different arguments and return types in all
>> combinations I can think of. I’ve cleaned my environment, registered,
>> unregistered, etc. Everything works perfectly in unit tests, only in the VBS
>> file I find this specific failure rule:
>> I cannot get a return value from a method call that has a COM object as an
>> argument.
>> Sadly, I can’t just pass primitive types as the arguments to the function,
>> as it takes far too many and some are collections.
>> I think I’ll give up and have a glass of wine.
>> Greg

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