On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:37 PM, mike smith <meski...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Will anyone apart from devs be buying it, on current trends?  This chart is
> being kind on current figures in not including it with 'others'

Doubt it. MS is doing what it has always done - having an awesome developer
story. That was based on the old world view of owning the platform and the
developers creating lock-in etc. I am not sure that the same logic holds
today. Service > Software and Specific Features meaningful to a given user
are more important than any developer narrative.

None of the stuff in Ian's original post means much for end users and it
will be a cold day in hell before my wife asks me for a WinPhone/Android

Both WinPhone and Android suffer from the 'too hard' problem of being
different phones and brands and form factors and you have to wait for
Telstra/Voda/whoever to make their bastardised version of the OS 3 months
after the software is finished ... blah blah blah. Apple users just get it
from iTunes on the day it is released with the click of a button.

I am rotating between an HTC Mozart, HTC Desire, and iPhone 4 depending on
how I feel like for the given week and to stay abreast of what the platforms
are doing ... but for end users/women/non-nerds, MS and G are making it too
easy for Apple.

MS should have ditched partners and gone the same route as XBOX - vertically
integrated, single platform with easy to understand marketing for ONE
product with a few simple SKUs to extract money from the punters.

> For Microsoft, that's tragic.

Indeed. They used to own the genuine smartphone market.


*David Connors* | da...@codify.com | www.codify.com
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