Don’t forget Silverlight 4 on the phone with Generational Garbage Collector, 
background agents, background download service, access to contacts & calendar 
features, application deep linking, the list goes on and on.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of David Connors
Sent: Thursday, 14 April 2011 11:53 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: WP7 - next OS (Mango) seems good

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:37 PM, mike smith 
<<>> wrote:
Will anyone apart from devs be buying it, on current trends?  This chart is 
being kind on current figures in not including it with 'others'

Doubt it. MS is doing what it has always done - having an awesome developer 
story. That was based on the old world view of owning the platform and the 
developers creating lock-in etc. I am not sure that the same logic holds today. 
Service > Software and Specific Features meaningful to a given user are more 
important than any developer narrative.

None of the stuff in Ian's original post means much for end users and it will 
be a cold day in hell before my wife asks me for a WinPhone/Android device.

Both WinPhone and Android suffer from the 'too hard' problem of being different 
phones and brands and form factors and you have to wait for 
Telstra/Voda/whoever to make their bastardised version of the OS 3 months after 
the software is finished ... blah blah blah. Apple users just get it from 
iTunes on the day it is released with the click of a button.

I am rotating between an HTC Mozart, HTC Desire, and iPhone 4 depending on how 
I feel like for the given week and to stay abreast of what the platforms are 
doing ... but for end users/women/non-nerds, MS and G are making it too easy 
for Apple.

MS should have ditched partners and gone the same route as XBOX - vertically 
integrated, single platform with easy to understand marketing for ONE product 
with a few simple SKUs to extract money from the punters.

For Microsoft, that's tragic.

Indeed. They used to own the genuine smartphone market.


David Connors |<> |<>
Software Engineer
Codify Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 (7) 3210 6268 | Facsimile: +61 (7) 3210 6269 | Mobile: +61 417 189 
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