Would this retain any javascript code created by asp.net  eg form validation
etc?    If i override the onclick event then form validation etc is not


From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com]
On Behalf Of Michael Ridland
Sent: Tuesday, 19 April 2011 12:38 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: add code to all button on my asp.net website?


You could do it with jQuery Very Easily.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Anthony <asale...@tpg.com.au> wrote:

I want add the following to all button on my website  i.e.
ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(button, "") +
";this.value='Processing Credit Card Payment...';this.disabled = true;")


Is there an easy to automatically apply this to all buttons?



Anthony (*12QWERNB*)




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