

Downloaded it and installed it.

I will have to go through the all the shell extensions and do a bit of a
purge of those that are obvious candidates.


Regards Peter Maddin
Applications Development Officer
PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA
Phone : +618 6396 4285 (Monday, Wednesday,Friday)

Phone : +618 9346 4372 (Tuesday, Thursday)
Mobile: 0423 540 825 
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From: []
On Behalf Of Ian Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, 14 March 2012 7:04 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: OT: windows environment variables not working



Assuming that you're still having the problem recur after fixing it, a free
utility that will discover all shell extensions on your system is System
Info for Windows (SIW) - 


The attached image shows a part of those I discovered on my messy machine -
a total of 770 of them (registry entries). [ 200Kb image - any smaller it
was not readable. Hope that's OK David ]


To export the info (in several usable forms), you need to register the
utility (a small fee). It is a very useful tool, for both hardware and
software diagnostics. Worth a try with the free ("home") version, anyway.



Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia


From: []
On Behalf Of Peter Maddin
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 6:06 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: OT: windows environment variables not working


Thanks for the link to ShellExView.


I found lots of links to Internet explorer add ons but not windows explorer
add ons


For windows explorer there is no 

Tools > Internet Options > Programs > Manage Add-ons > Toolbars and
Unless my visual acuity has declined even further since the last time I
looked ( a definite possibility)


Possibly this covers both !?


I have just checked Internet Explorer and most add-ons are disabled except
those I would like to keep, i.e. 

Shockwave flash,  RMGetLIcense, Silverlight and Java.


How does one find out what add-ons are windows explorer specific?


Regards Peter Maddin
Applications Development Officer
PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA
Phone : +618 6396 4285 (Monday, Wednesday,Friday)

Phone : +618 9346 4372 (Tuesday, Thursday)
Mobile: 0423 540 825 
E-Mail :;
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