How hard to hack the ID's?  It's a driver, so I imagine it'd require

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 12:23 PM, Ian Thomas <> wrote:
> For information: the CodeProject article indicated by Nathan Keir has a
> comment that is important –
> The Windows Kinect has a different product id so I guess it doesn't work
> with OpenNI (drivers)
> as soon as I plugged in an Xbox Kinect the drivers worked.
> (link:
> - 3 posts here)
> ________________________________
> Ian Thomas
> Victoria Park, Western Australia
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Ian Thomas
> Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 9:47 AM
> To: 'ozDotNet'
> Subject: RE: [OT] Anyone using Kinect?
> Nathan, others
> I will read the CodeProject article – I think I saw another there, a month
> or 3 ago.
> Since first posting, I have read all the Microsoft blogs on Kinect for
> Windows which cleared up some misconceptions. I haven’t followed what is
> happening in open source OpenNI circles, but it seems to me that the Kinect
> for Windows SDK v1.5 / 1.51 is well advanced over what is available for the
> various Asus Xtion models; and the Kinect for Windows device is superior  to
> Kinect for Xbox(because of its firmware – maybe not its sensors, which I
> believe are the same as the Xbox add-on device has).
> This short post from the Kinect for Windows blog is a good overview of the
> much more useful functionality available with Kinect for Windows. Coming to
> Windows 8?
> ________________________________
> Ian Thomas
> Victoria Park, Western Australia


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