> ** **
> The second question is a doozy and out of my areas of experience. Can
> someone confirm that .NET and the runtime is not available for iPad or
> iPhone? What kits and languages do you use to write iPad and iPhone apps?
> Is Object C still for that sort of thing? Or Java? Or HTML5? If anyone
> knows anything technical about writing apps for Windows and Mac and the
> issues involved I’d love to hear your comments.****
> ** **
If depends on if your users expect native apps or not. If they are happy
with a mobile web app that probably makes it a lot easier, you could create
an API and mobile web app with MVC4.

If they expect a native app you may want to check out MonoTouch.
http://xamarin.com/monotouch/ I have not used it but it looks good. It does
not support the full .NET framework though so that could be an issue.

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