I'm the lead developer on the mobile products at my company.

For c# there's the http://xamarin.com/ company that sparked from the mono
project, it claims it works for cross platform development.

Apart from that you basically have two options: 1) Native ios/andriod 2)
wrap up a html5/javascript app in phonegap(or alternatives)

We went back and forth between native and javascript for 4-6 months and
ended up writing the app in html5/javascript. The primary argument is that
the our app needs to support a mobile website (not just app), and after
we've pushed the limits polishing the app in html5/javascript if it's still
not up to the task and customers want more then we'll also a build a native

For mobile frameworks you can check out sencha touch/jquery mobile. We
ended up rolling our own html/javascript without using a framework, we used
backbone.js/zepto/underscore templates. The LinkedIn ipad app is done in
html5/javascript and they have some good blog posts.

I'm actually working on a html5 cross platform boilerplate for people who
don't want to use the lockin frameworks like sencha touch and jqm. A bit
like the html5boilerplate/mobile but for phonegap apps.

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 4:45 PM, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:

> Folks, we have a working Silverlight 4 app out there at the moment with
> some desktop support apps all written in .NET 4. Now and then when we demo
> the SL4 app someone will ask variations on these questions:****
> ** **
> “...what’s your migration path away from Silverlight when it dies?”****
> ** **
> “...will the app be available for iPad or iPhone”****
> ** **
> I know the first question is floating around like a bad smell everywhere
> and the answer depends who you ask. I believe that we’re talking years
> anyway before such a thing would happen, and our app would be probably be
> obsolete or rewritten by then anyway. So I’m not particularly worried about
> that for now (unless I should be?!)****
> ** **
> The second question is a doozy and out of my areas of experience. Can
> someone confirm that .NET and the runtime is not available for iPad or
> iPhone? What kits and languages do you use to write iPad and iPhone apps?
> Is Object C still for that sort of thing? Or Java? Or HTML5? If anyone
> knows anything technical about writing apps for Windows and Mac and the
> issues involved I’d love to hear your comments.****
> ** **
> Cheers,****
> Greg****


*Michael Ridland | ThinkSmart Digital*
Managing Director
P. 0404 865 350
E. mich...@thinksmartdigital.com.au
W. www.thinksmartdigital.com.au
T. www.twitter.com/rid00z
L. au.linkedin.com/in/michaelridland


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