Are you running League of Legends full screen? Are you on RTM?

From: on behalf of Stephen Price
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 2:23 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Win8 Tiles, Shortcuts and multi-program applications.

My only wish so far is that you can disable the mouseover stuff in the bottom 
left corner (ie the bit that makes your start screen preview).
Mainly because when I'm playing League of Legends and I mouse too close to the 
bottom left the thing mimises the game and shows me the desktop (so it can show 
me the little preview I'm guessing).

I've been launching it from a pinned tile rather than desktop icon and it seems 
to behave better (but Its still done it to me once). As far as I can tell 
theres no way to disable it.

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Scott Barnes 
<<>> wrote:
I've been in a bad mood all day. I blame Win8 .. i find myself swearing at the 
screen more... with unfinished questions like " do i...what the 
fu...oh..there...well thats stupid..oh crap what did i just do..."

I'm not going to write a poem about Win8 and i'm not going to declare a Jihad 
on Microsoft for making it.. i'm simply thinking that its Windows 7 with this 
stupid start screen giving me a sense of paranoia at all that ram that i 
shouldn't be wasting but am.. (even though I'm not even sure its being wasted 
it just feels its being wasted and..and I dont like get off my 

Scott Barnes

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Glen Harvy 
<<>> wrote:

Thanks Ian. Things are certainly hotting up in the new/updated MS program world.

So far two people have explained how Win8 Application navigation works and now 
this so it is becoming clear that I wasn't clear in the first place. Probably 
my pathetic attempt at using ozzie colloquialisms and assumptions ...  <sigh>.

It is IMHO, far to early to foretell if the general public will quickly adapt 
to the new navigation. Having only used Win8 RTM on my VM and only to test my 
own application, I'm certainly not qualified to make any educated guesses. I do 
know that the new navigation did not immediately impress me with it's ease but 
I readily accept we have a whole new concept in Win8 and I will have to change 
my ways as well as my program.

I do however believe that until my application evolves and adapts to the 
changing times, my end users will appreciate what in effect is a two click 
start of either my Main program or any of its Secondary programs.

This should be easy to achieve by creating a Metro Inspired application that 
does nothing else but open a full screen window with a tile/shortcut to each of 
those programs. If the new Metro Inspired application is pinned to the Start 
Screen (not the Start Menu) then the end user will only need to click twice 
from the Start Screen rather than type anything on the keyboard to start a 
Secondary program from the All Apps screen. Alternatively, they can use the new 
Metro navigation technique as I will support that as well.

The creation of the new Metro inspired application should take me not much 
longer than a few minutes if you believe the sales pitch from DevExpress :-) 
Designing the Tiles background image  will take me days although perhaps Blend 
will come to the rescue.

I hope the above clarifies my original post. I would appreciate comments as to 
whether you believe there is a need to even bother with implementing the above 
and/or if it will prove as easy to implement as it sounds?



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