
> (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeFromUtc (DateTime. 2008 12 31 13 15 0)
31/12/2008 10:15:00 PM
> (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeFromUtc (DateTime. 2008 12 31 14 15 0)
31/12/2008 11:15:00 PM
> (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeFromUtc (DateTime. 2008 12 31 15 15 0)
1/1/2009 12:15:00 AM
> (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeFromUtc (DateTime. 2008 12 31 16 15 0)
1/1/2009 12:15:00 AM
> (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeFromUtc (DateTime. 2008 12 31 17 15 0)
1/1/2009 1:15:00 AM
> (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeFromUtc (DateTime. 2008 12 31 18 15 0)
1/1/2009 2:15:00 AM


> (wstTimezone.IsAmbiguousTime (DateTime. 2009 1 1 12 15 0))
> (wstTimezone.IsAmbiguousTime (DateTime. 2008 12 31 15 15 0))
> (wstTimezone.IsAmbiguousTime (DateTime. 2008 12 31 16 15 0))

(I didn't look up the documentation to confirm whether IsAmbiguousTime
should work with Utc or Local, but neither are showing true, and yet 1/1/09
12:15 AM local is ambiguous as above.)

The UTC -> Local -> UTC round trip is wrong by an hour between 31/12/08 5
PM and 11:59:59 PM (UTC), with the two hours before that generating times
(Local 1/1/09 Midnight to 1AM twice) that are "Invalid" for return to UTC.

So as well as not existing between 1/1/09 Midnight to 1AM, WA was out of
phase by an hour until Midnight UTC!

On 8 November 2012 12:56, Mark Hurd <markeh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In this case you've found an hour where WA didn't exist according to
> Microsoft's TimeZone data:
> In DotLisp, with wadate as your date and wstTimezone as you've retrieved
> it:
> > (wstTimezone.GetUtcOffset (.AddMinutes wadate 60))
> 09:00:00
> > (wstTimezone.GetUtcOffset (.AddMinutes wadate -1))
> 09:00:00
> > (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeToUtc (.AddMinutes wadate -1)wstTimezone)
> 31/12/2008 2:59:00 PM
> > (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeToUtc (.AddMinutes wadate 60)wstTimezone)
> 31/12/2008 4:00:00 PM
> >
> All the local times in between are invalid.
> Drop a note at Connect.
> --
> Regards,
> Mark Hurd, B.Sc.(Ma.)(Hons.)
> On 8 November 2012 10:44, Wallace Turner <wallacetur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  This question is similar to [this][1] stackoverflow question insofar as
>> the Exception thrown is clear and explicit:
>> I'm converting the 1st Jan 2009 (perth time) to UTC and getting 
>> "*System.ArgumentException:
>> The supplied DateTime represents an invalid time*"
>> [TestMethod]public void TestMethod1(){
>>     var date = DateTime.Parse("1-Jan-2009 00:00");
>>     var wstTimezone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("W. Australia 
>> Standard Time");
>>     Trace.WriteLine(wstTimezone.IsInvalidTime(date));//is invalid
>>     Trace.WriteLine(TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(date, wstTimezone, 
>> TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("UTC")));//throw Exception}
>> 1) I'm more curious than concerned - *Can anyone out here in the west
>> recall why this time might be invalid?* One hour either side of this
>> works ok; I can't recall daylight savings moving/changing during this
>> period.
>> 2) In general, how are people handling cases like this? For example, if
>> you have a user who wants to select all the foos from 1st Jan 2009 onwards
>> then you would naturally get the start time in the users timezone
>> (1-Jan-2009 00:00) and convert to UTC - this is especially problematic if
>> you only allow the user to select the start and end date (no times) which
>> means you'd have to ask the user to select a different date completely
>> because 'midnight didnt exist in your timezone on the selected date'
>> Hope I'm making sense
>> Wal
>> [1]:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2416439/exception-calling-when-timezoneinfo-converttimetoutc-for-certain-datetime-values

Mark Hurd, B.Sc.(Ma.)(Hons.)

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