thanks, so you concur it is bug-ish. (daylight savings usually starts in October)

On 8/11/2012 10:26 AM, Mark Hurd wrote:
In this case you've found an hour where WA didn't exist according to Microsoft's TimeZone data:

In DotLisp, with wadate as your date and wstTimezone as you've retrieved it:
> (wstTimezone.GetUtcOffset (.AddMinutes wadate 60))
> (wstTimezone.GetUtcOffset (.AddMinutes wadate -1))
> (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeToUtc (.AddMinutes wadate -1)wstTimezone)
31/12/2008 2:59:00 PM
> (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeToUtc (.AddMinutes wadate 60)wstTimezone)
31/12/2008 4:00:00 PM

All the local times in between are invalid.

Drop a note at Connect.

Mark Hurd, B.Sc.(Ma.)(Hons.)

On 8 November 2012 10:44, Wallace Turner < <>> wrote:

    This question is similar to [this][1] stackoverflow question
    insofar as the Exception thrown is clear and explicit:

    I'm converting the 1st Jan 2009 (perth time) to UTC and getting
    "/System.ArgumentException: The supplied DateTime represents an
    invalid time/"

    public  void  TestMethod1()
var date= DateTime.Parse("1-Jan-2009 00:00"); var wstTimezone= TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("W. Australia Standard Time");
         Trace.WriteLine(wstTimezone.IsInvalidTime(date));//is invalid
         Trace.WriteLine(TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(date,  wstTimezone,  
TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("UTC")));//throw Exception


    1) I'm more curious than concerned - *Can anyone out here in the
    west recall why this time might be invalid?* One hour either side
    of this works ok; I can't recall daylight savings moving/changing
    during this period.

    2) In general, how are people handling cases like this? For
    example, if you have a user who wants to select all the foos from
    1st Jan 2009 onwards then you would naturally get the start time
    in the users timezone (1-Jan-2009 00:00) and convert to UTC - this
    is especially problematic if you only allow the user to select the
    start and end date (no times) which means you'd have to ask the
    user to select a different date completely because 'midnight didnt
    exist in your timezone on the selected date'

    Hope I'm making sense



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