Thank you for the clarification, guys.  My thing, since I'm planning to become 
an open source developer, still, I think that even if I am developing for open 
source, if I am happy, then I'll keep one project in one technology if it is 
working for me, and then I'll offer a port of it in the other platform or 
something like that so that people can choose which project they feel more 
comfortable using.  Or I'll just choose whichever one works.  I feel that there 
is no reason to change a project that is working just for the heck of it, but 
that's me.  But, the good news is that it doesn't look like YAF will be moving 
since there is now a rival forum written in MVC right now.  So it would 
be stupid for them to do that.  And considering they are commercial as well.  
And speaking of MVC though, I have noticed that not many people use the 
standard ASPX view, do they?  I mean, what's so special about razor if razor is 
sort of backtracking to the ASP days?  I mean, C# within HTML tags?  Come on, 
people.  Go back to VBScript if you're going to do that.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Heinrich B
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 11:25 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: New Web API project

this might help:

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Katherine Moss 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, WebAPI is wrapped inside of MVC4.  And there's another thing that just 
makes me mad; when people want to rewrite their application for the heck of it 
just so that they can be deployed under the latest fad.  The folks from Yet 
Another Forum are now saying that their project could be moved and rewritten as MVC too, and for what?  To look cool?  Apparently, and what's wrong 
with a project that is written in Web Forms and doing fine?  I'm sorry, but I 
don't get it.  And once that changes, if it does, other folks who use YAF will 
be screwed including those at Sueetie, who make a great product all based on 
Web Forms.  Though web forms and MVC can work together, though it's not as 
simple as one would think.  If you want MVC, then use Web Forms MVP.  And who 
said WCF is pointless middleware?  Isn't it a good way to create web services?  
And if not for WCF, what's next?  Back to ASMX from 2006?  Come on!  Anyway, 
guys, I'm sorry for the rant, but I had to get it out somewhere, right?

[<>] On 
Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 7:50 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: New Web API project

Thanks, glad to know I'm not alone, that link looks sensible and will save a 
lot of suffering -- Greg

Heinrich Breedt

"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking." - 
William B. Sprague

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