This discussion comes at a coincidentally interesting time for me, as over
recent years I have become increasingly irritated by classic ASP.NET. The
controls are just so heavyweight and the lifecycle of events and postbacks
is so tangled that you need a doctorate in topology to follow it. All of
the problems I have ever suffered usually boil down to fighting or
misunderstanding the huge infrastructure that wraps up such a simple
concept as a http request. Lord knows how many times I've made a subtle
mistake in Load, CreateChildControls, PreRender, Render, event handlers,
etc, causing composite controls or repeater controls to produce gibberish.
And then there is the misery of trying to integrate JavaScript into the

I was just about to visit bookware and buy two fat ASP.NET MVC 4 books,
obviously because I'm considering that as an alternative. I've read about
the differences between the frameworks and I've run some tutorials and can
see immediately that MVC takes you closer to the wire and gives you more
control over rendering, with the penalty that you have to do more work.

So I'm wondering if there is anyone here who has migrated to MVC 3/4
successfully and happily? Is it just substituting one huge complex
framework for another huge complex one which simply changes the problems
from one set to another? I worry about the number of files in a large MVC
project. Are there tools or techniques to integrate scripting more easily?
What about emitting html that is cross-browser safe or standards compliant?
Will MVC make these things easier than in class ASP.NET?

Should I give up on ASP.NET completely and use something like the GTK or
the confusing family of similar tools to use html5? Can I leave the
ASP.NETworld totally behind and go this way for rich and interactive
web sites?
Has anyone gone this way? Is it just a new form of suffering?

Greg K

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