> (in fact I get 9.79Mbps up, 34.42Mbps down)  Now if you say "but that's
> not from a CDN, sure, I agree, because a majority of them are currently in
> the USA.  But without something like a fibre network in Australia, what
> incentive is there with ADSL's mediocre speeds to build them here?  (Hint,
> the speeds I mentioned I'm getting are from Transact, which WAS ALREADY

People often think of bandwidth in absolute terms and expect peak speeds
between two sites where there is adequate bandwidth. Unfortunately, this is
not how reality works. TCP has some really clever mechanisms built into it
to avoid network congestion over an arbitrary and unknown network topology.
The upshot of this is that you will ONLY ever see really good single stream
performance from a local CDN (or any site with very, very low latency),
except under special conditions where you do a lot of tuning at both ends.

During commissioning at TechEd each year, the only site on the intarwebs
where we can get *close* to single TCP stream performance of 1gbps is
AARNet's local mirror (
https://twitter.com/DavidConnors/status/243088857380319232). Also, that is
with the very best active ethernet fibre money can buy (which is not what
you get with NBN).


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