Howdy Greg #2 (or 3?)

Haven't seen you since the Silverlight weekend in Docklands a few years ago.

Very interesting! You have implemented your own data compression, and we
used to do very similar things back in the late 70s and 80s when mainframe
disk space was precious. Compression algorithms and software were not
available or widely know then. In fact, Wikipedia says the LZ algorithms
were only published in 1977/78 (not long ago in coding years).

However, I have this uneasy feeling that all of your manual work is made
mostly redundant by what zipping does for transmission. Zip will
aggressively remove redundancy from your data, so well in fact that I
suspect it might reduce the benefits of your pre-processing to a hair's
width. Although your pre-processing will save space for the raw data if
that's a problem on the client side.

I was quite amazed that ~6000 of my entities as XML took 6.06MB, but
deflated down to 492KB which is 8% of the original size and quite suitable
for transmission as a single blob. I reckon your data as plain CSV would
also reduce incredibly well.

Given that I also deflate for transmission as a blob, I think my problem is
now reduced to a pure coding problem: What format is easiest to round-trip
my entities?

Importantly, I'm looking for a general purpose way of transforming (most of
the) the entity class properties. XML needs manual coding, Json I'm not
sure about. I can't use pure binary serialization because it's not
supported in Silverlight clients.

Greg K

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