On 13 November 2013 10:26, Tony Wright <tonyw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why would the ISP need to purchase a continuous stream of data to support
> my use when there are others that aren’t using theirs?

They'll purchase whatever is needed to service their customers.

Currently Telstra is paying little to get their data off their layer 2
network and onto their IP network. Under the NBN they will be paying
international IP transit providers $1 a megabit per second for your
downloads AND an ADDITIONAL 20 x that to NBN Co. Over and above today. You
will get that cost.

But I think the point is entirely lost on your because you don't know the
difference between TCP/IP and Ethernet.

So when Malcolm Turnbull says it’s going to cost $20,000 to connect up
> every household, I call BS, because, quite simply, it was never suggested
> before he said it, it was never practical, it was a statement designed to
> deceive the public and it is complete and utter BS.

NBN is offering 1gbps connections with promoted future scenarios with high
def video and whatnot. Hell, the ads show kids looking at 3D frogs floating
above macintoshes. Whether you have VDSL2+ vectoring or fibre or a zillion
gigabits of perf, it doens't matter a jot if you can't use it. Turnbull is
perfectly right in pointing this out.

When I was a kid my Dad used to crack the shits all the time for leaving
lights on and wasting money. In the future the mothers of Australia will be
screaming at the kids "TURN OFF THE 3D TV! YOU'RE WASTING MY GOOD NBN!"


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