On 13 November 2013 10:56, Ken Schaefer <k...@adopenstatic.com> wrote:

>  If the NBN lasts for as long as the copper network, then won’t these
> prices fall over time? First we used to pay for a line that had no
> internet capability at all. Then we started paying for 56bkps what we pay
> for 8mbps now. Is there anything to suggest that over the longer term
> this trend would not continue?

We have no idea. When the network is set up to structurally prohibit
competition, and they're not committing to anything in their business plan,
then all current information points to no, unfortunately.

Anyway, like I said, CVC is on the nose with the current board. We just
have to wait to see what they say in a month. At least the current board
thinks it is a problem.


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