Howdy, I've been thinking about this overnight and have had no Eureka!
moment. I do have the factory ID of the phone, but I think registering the
IDs on the server would be a bother (in any case, a fake client could send
any ID it wanted to fool the server).

The client and server both have the same confidential company certificate,
but I don't know how I can leverage this. The client could send the server
some secret data out of the cert, but it's just a number, any magic/secret
number could be shared, which is childish.

So I remain puzzled about how an arbitrary phone can prove to the service
that it's calling via trusted client software without human entry of a PIN
or password.

The phone does have a config screen, so perhaps the human operator could be
instructed to put in a 4 digit "hash" of the phone ID, which can only be
computed and verified on the server. This would require a one-time setup
process, but it might be acceptable in the form of a "registration screen"
on the phone.

*Greg K*

On 25 November 2014 at 23:55, Stephen Price <>

> And then I read your email a second time and notice you said Silverlight
> PHONE app. Perhaps you could use something similar... but as it's not
> hosted on a web server, but instead its on the phone that might not work.
> Perhaps a call to a server with a login where a key is given out for that
> session? Or something that is harder to fake, like a phone ID (can you set
> up a list of authorised devices on server or is it a public facing app
> where anyone could be connecting?)
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 8:06 PM, Greg Keogh <> wrote:
>> Folks, I have a Silverlight Phone app that talks to a WCF service. The
>> spec says that phones must *prove* to the service that they are
>> legitimate and trusted. I figure therefore that I will stuff something in
>> the message headers of each call that can't be forged to prove a phone has
>> legitimate client software ... but what?
>> The spec is vague and does not specify any kind of "login" method or
>> handshake to establish trust.
>> To confuse matters, I've been given a pair of X509 certificates (as cer
>> and pfx files) without any hint about what to do with them. So I've been
>> reading about X509's for hours, but I can't figure out if they're of any
>> help in this situation or not. All the sample code I've found using
>> certificates is for the full CLR and not for the Silverlight CLR where many
>> classes are smaller or missing. I can't figure out how to use X509s for
>> solving my problem (if they are of any use).
>> Any suggestions from crypto protocol boffins out there?
>> *Greg K*

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