Greg, you could use VSCode, but I've not tried it out to see. Sublime might
be a good JS editor.

You realise that VS2015 is now in beta, and you are their main tester. They
have sneakily put you on the team without your knowledge. Once you have
found all of the bugs they will fix those, and release it for real. ;)

And you thought Google was evil.

On Sat, 8 Aug 2015 at 17:07 Grant Molloy <> wrote:

> Quick Google search shows many JavaScript editors.
> As for the abstraction of JavaScript, there's always VanillaJS (
> Vanilla JS is a fast, lightweight, cross-platform framework for building
> incredible, powerful JavaScript applications.
> As for JS being the future, I agree MS dropped the ball big time with
> Silverlight.
> On Aug 8, 2015 6:49 PM, "Greg Keogh" <> wrote:
>> We were using VS 2013, which want too bad with JS intellisense, etc.
>>> Compile time checking would help, but I think that's only available for
>>> TypeScript.
>> Okay, err, overall this isn't sounding great to me. I don't even have
>> Chrome installed (I reckon it's a virus) and I see others are also using it
>> for development. I have also found the VS2015 JS intellisense to be flakey
>> and misleading. Does the JS development experience have to be so retarded?
>> Surely others here must have some way of being as productive as we can be
>> writing strongly typed languages in a good IDE?!
>> This is the future of software development for web client apps is it?
>> JavaScript is the typeless assembly-like script that is wrapped by
>> libraries like jQuery to try and make it more digestible and round down the
>> host incompatibilities, which is then wrapped by further libraries to
>> create the illusion of binding and asynchrony. In previous decades I wrote
>> reasonably serious "apps" in scripting languages like CLIST and Visual
>> REXX, but there was an insanity point beyond which the limits of the
>> language stonewalled you and you wasted time and you had to be mature
>> enough to decide to move to a "serious" language and development
>> environment. Sadly, in the 21st century, the scripting language
>> (JavaScript) has become a cancerous growth that won't die after almost 20
>> years, it's been pushed to ludicrous levels of abstraction insanity, and
>> the one great hope that could have killed it (Silverlight) was buried
>> without a funeral.
>> Oh well, back to writing JavaScript and html in Notepad (lucky I don't
>> have to use punched cards).
>> *Greg K*

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