I follow a number of CSS and javascript blogs, the boss thinks it's so I
can stay ahead of the wave. The real reason is it gives me a chuckle every
day when they try to solve a problem that they themselves inflicted by
using a precompiler/framework that wasn't really needed in the first place.

A colleague is currently trying to implement a work around on a problem
that is related to Less and knockout. Take a look at the less home page and
see how they changed 3 lines of CSS into a whole mess of pre-compiler crap.

*... .. / .... --- -.-. / .-.. . --. . .-. . / ... -.-. .. ... / -. .. --
.. ..- -- / . .-. ..- -.. .. - .. --- -. .. ... / .... .- -... . ... .-.-.-*

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 12:13 AM, DotNet Dude <adotnetd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 9:43 AM, David Connors <da...@connors.com> wrote:
>> 80% of the cost of an application starts after you finish dev and a well
>> written modern, responsive web app costs very little to maintain (and works
>> on all the things both network and device).
> Not in my experience. I'm yet to see one of these well written modern
> responsive web apps you speak of. We normally get hired to go in and fix
> the mess left by devs learning on the job. We also can't really blame the
> devs for everything as with all the new frameworks and such coming out each
> week (slight exaggeration) they are always learning on the job and can't be
> expected to write good stuff.

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