> Not quite the same, but could you use the “Send To” functionality?
> Just place a link/batch file/etc in the appropriate users Send To folder
> (C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo)

I've actually used the sendto for many years, and it's handy but too broad.
I have a set of "send to > VS Build xx" shortcuts, but they appear on *every
*file type. That's why I liked the old registry trick where they were only
on the relevant .sln files.

I should mention that there are rare cases where you do want to sendto on
every file. I used regedit to add one under HCR\*\shell\HexEdit\command
@="xxxx\frhed.exe "%1". Free hex edit is a great little program and I'm
often sending arbitrary files to it for a look.


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