As a .Net programmer, if you detest Javascript (as I do), you can also use
F# and Fable to write single page web-applications. It won't save you from
the vagaries of HTML and CSS though - you still need to know this.
I personally use Elm (which is similar to F# + Fable) - but it's far more
bullet-proof (run-time errors are exceptionally rare), although you're no
longer in the Microsoft eco-system (for better or worse).

If you're writing web-applications for a company though, I still think
Angular or React is the easier sell to management; yes it's more complex,
more clunky, and will take longer to write - but at least finding other
Angular or React resources is fairly trivial.

On 29 November 2017 at 13:53, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

> I strongly recommend this course: https://app.pluralsigh
> Thanks, I've watched about an hour so far. They seem to use a more
> *classic* approach with a simpler project structure, and they use VS Code
> instead of Studio so there's no projects and solutions.
> The amount of unusual markup required to plumb all the parts together is
> really irritating. This is a very complex infrastructure just to render an
> app browser-side. I blame the JavaScript language for this as it lacks
> everything one would expect in a modern robust language ecosystem.
> Everything looks like a hack, workaround or add-on just to hoist the whole
> vast slogging mess up to make it work. I'm still not impressed.
> *Greg*

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