Greg K, 

I suggest you install nodejs via Chocolatey. After uninstalling it from add / 
remove programs.

it’s based on nuget and installs windows apps. 

Here’s a command line to install choco. 

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object 
net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET 

Then from an admin command prompt do. 

choco install nodejs --version 8.7.0 --allow-downgrade -y

the reason that you allow downgrades is to keep the version the same as 
required with angular 4,  in my case that’s 8.7.0

Here’s a sample of my choco package loader.   (D:\choco is a shared network 
drive, used to download a package just the once but install over multiple 
machines )

Echo setting the cache
choco config set cacheLocation d:\choco
choco source remove -n=chocolatey -s=
choco source remove -n=choco -s=d:\choco
choco source add -n=choco -s=d:\choco
choco source add -n=chocolatey -s=
echo installing packages
choco install nodejs --version 8.7.0 --allow-downgrade -y



Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Greg Keogh
Sent: 29 November 2017 01:40
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Creating a browser-based product

Yes you need to install node js. And it's not just angular - it's javascript in 

I've added the Node.js component to my VS2017 installation.

But now what? Is the Node.js server part of VS2017, or do I install it 
separately? Does it run continuously as a service of some kind, or do I run it 
manually while developing, or does something else host it automatically? What's 
it serving anyway while I'm developing (I have no intention of using it)?

Greg K

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