If anyone in this group knows anyone in the Azure Team, can you please pass
my following message and advice on to them? ...

Dear Azure Team,

For the love of suffering humanity, stop using the word IMPACT in your
broadcast emails. The word is appearing more frequently and in more and
more bizarre and ambiguous ways. In the most recent email (see below) you
say "performance impact" three times, but does this mean "improve" or
"degrade" performance? The expression is completely ambiguous. And what is
an "impacted VM"? Did someone shoot projectiles into them? And most
puzzling of all, what on earth is a "reduced impact availability"? It
sounds like a line from a political comedy sketch.

Never use the word impact figuratively, there is always a replacement word
that is more accurate and expressive.

*Greg Keogh*

*[image: Inline images 1]*

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