The expectation is that if a healthy baby is born that you owe thanks to the obstetrician. If the outcome is poor at least you had the expert therefore it couldn't be helped.
I had a consultation with a primagravid woman having twins she is 29 weeks and would like to have her own mw with her during labour and birth . I left the consultation sad she told me she couldn't have got pregnant without her obstet and that he gaunentered her a vaginal birth as he was the expert. That she would be induced at 38 weeks and that she would have an epidural etc etc.I am so lucky I don't have to have a c/s.
 So what do you see my role as ? I bleeted out . I just want some one to be with me.someone who KNOWS WHATS GOING ON she said to explain what is being done to me.
 where to from here.I know what's going on but do I have the heart to tell her.
Look forward to comments jan
    ----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 3:02 PM
Subject: The rising maternal mortality study

Dear all,
I had a look at this site that Denise posted on oxmid and was struck by this phrase contained in it...
"The researchers say they don't know whether the increase in Caesarean deliveries is responsible for the increase in deaths, or whether it's because women are waiting longer to become pregnant."
It seems when all else fails to explain the "faults" of the medicalization of childbirth then blame the women. ie now that they are old its their fault they need sections or a dying. I was speaking with an "old woman" on Wednesday who gave birth to her first baby nine days over her due date. She is 39 and I said to her (in jest) that she was not supposed to birth so well. I had seen her in the clinic that morning were we discussed IOL for 12 days post term but she looked like things were getting ready as her cervix was 1cm open and long but soft and stretching forward and hse had been having irregulary contractions overnight. Her baby was LOP. She went home to her accupuncturist and then came back that night and gave birth 4 hours after arriving with a cervix that was 3cms open. She had great faith in her body and baby and didn't want to be induced etc etc. You see so many women induced at term plus a few days and in her case would her outcome have been different if she took this path?
Thanks for listening

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