In a message dated 8/21/02 9:37:24 AM W. Australia Standard Time, Megan writes:

I wonder how many of these parents that find breastfeeding too tiring, time
consuming, etc had oodles of energy to go out to nightclubs to all hours.
Granted you have all Sunday to recover. There is so much energy for doing
things that only benefit ones selfish needs(my opinion), if society cared as
much about birthing and nurturing as it does about football.


I have had three children. 

The first was formula fed from about 2 weeks of age.

I would have dearly loved to breastfeed my second, but he died shortly after birth, and so I went through the physically and emotionally painful process of letting my milk dry up. 

My third baby (premature) was breastfed until 10 months of age.

In the case of babies 1 and 3 the decisions that I made, were not made out of selfishness - far from it.  How to feed you baby for many (most?) is a very emotive one, and bound up in all sorts of history and background, but I would suggest that very few women make decisions about feeding their baby lightly.  Even if they make a decision about feeding - for what someone might consider a "selfish" reason - who are we to judge?

I know what you are trying to say, and I do agree that the whole issue of parenting and having children does not seem to have a high priority in this high-tech consumer led world, and certainly the case of the Nigerian women is awful (and not an isolated incident according to a report in Marie Claire last year).

Debbie Slater
Perth, WA

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