please remember to pass on the details of CARES to this woman.  (or the other cs support groups of course).
warning...Jo is on her soap box once again....
WHAT A PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR 'CARE' THIS IS!!!!!  Who in their right mind books a woman in for an elective cs based on presentation of a baby at 27 weeks!!!!!!!!!! (I think I just broke my exclamation button on the key board...)
this sort of poor care, dare I say malpractice should be recorded on file and remain there as a black mark against those who did not think to bother checking if the baby was indeed breech.  It would be pointless to take into the legal forum (although I would be tempted if my body had been cut for no reason....well mine has in fact, but for a reason that can be proven to be false)
on the eve of the national caesarean awareness day, I am writhing in agony for this poor woman....the key board hasn't been pounded like this since my letter writing to keep vbac in birth centres!!!!! (-oh, it does work!!)  I am totally and utter pissed off at this.
sorry to sound horrible, but I think 'boo boo' is an inappropriate descriptive term to use.  my toddler makes boo boos when he accidentally drops his pencils all over the floor.  to butcher a woman based on a breech presentation and not even confirm it after the 27 week mark is utterly unprofessional and should NEVER happen.
I need a cigarette and I don't even smoke I am that angry.
(gotta remember to breath...........)
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...
----- Original Message -----
From: JoFromOz
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 4:21 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] c/s for breech

Today a booboo was made :(
A primip  --> elective c/s for breech presentation.
Came out cephalic.
Last u/s was at 27 weeks.
Now she has a scar on her uterus :( (ETC)...
Babies are Born... Pizzas are Delivered.

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