Hi Wendy,
Here are some refs that may be helpful:
A Harvard study suggests the link between stress disorders and leaving babies to Cry -it is
Powell, Alvin, "researchers Say Children Need Touch and Attention" in Harvard University Gazette. Cambridge: April 1998
 There was an article in a weekend newspaper mag (Saturday or Sunday Age??) that came out after my Crying Book had gone to the printers  I cant lay my hands on it right now (in a pile somewhere??) that had more about this early stress research being carried out I think at an Australian University -I will try to find it but am a bit flat out right at the moment.
The book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Golman(?) (mine never came back when I lent it - the best ones dont) explains about neuro-physiology re trauma and I expect it is a similar process if babies are traumatised by the stress of being left to cry it out - I suppose nobody can really say how long is too long to leave any baby -why would we leave them to cry anyway ??-I dont know why we need research to tell us what should be common sense - but we all need "ammo" to defend natural ways whether it is birthing or breastfeeding or nurturing
Mind you I am amazed every time i talk to parents -had a real "doozy" of a mother today -"put a snib/lock 'outside' toddlers bedroom door to stop him coming out while we were watching TV"
"He got sick of crying and went to sleep on the floor behind the door a few nights and now he doesnt get out of bed!!"
Poor little thing!! But at least she bought both of my books so maybe she will gently get the message that her child is a real person with feelings.
Another pregnant mum was wondering which book to buy -I asked her how her birth was last time - "Great" she said, I had an elective caesar -that was what I wanted. Apparently IVF then elective caesar then did the whole sleep settling technique / controlled crying thing - now reckons that was a waste of time and awful so is looking at other ways . This time she conceived naturally between IVF treatments -I said isnt that wonderful -hormones are amazing how they can kick in etc etc -maybe you will be able to consider a natural birthing experience this time too -can only sow the seeds gently but the spiral of disempowerment/ disconnection is so obvious.
Infant depression / shut down is mentioned at Sears William . Fussy Baby. www.askdrsears.com
Another nice one about brain development - How Love Boosts Brainpower - Greenspan, Stanley and lieff Benderly, Beryl, Parents New York, Feb 1997,
Parent Directed Feeding is linked to Failure to thrive -
This site leads to many more interesting articles:
An attachment one that is interesting:
Walant, Dr Karen . Fostering Healthy Attachment' interview on www.naturalchild.org
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] workshops

Pinky, unfortunately I'm in South Australia and not able to make it to your talk, however I am intrigued by your comment that there is emerging evidence that practices such as controlled crying and parent-directed feeding could be linked to neurophysiological changes that may predispose children to stress disorders such as panic, anxiety and depression in later life.  Would you be able to post some references so I can read further into the matter?
Many thanks,
Wendy Hosking
B.Mid. student, Flinders University
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] workshops

Hi Joy
I will be speaking informally to mums with bubs only at 2.30pm after a babies GymbarOO class on the afternoon of 26 Sept (just in case later nights arent easy and it can be more specifically to needs of newer mums) This is no charge and wont be promoted openly, although if you know some mums who would like to attend this will be fine.
I am giving an evening talk 'Parenting By Heart' - at 7.30 pm. -Venue :CWA hall, 561 Kiewa St. Albury (next to council building).  
The blurb is :
Pinky McKay, author of the popular Parenting By Heart and 100 Ways to Calm the Crying - the ONLY Australian book about infant  crying (with a foreword by Sheila Kitzinger) - will be visiting Albury on 26 Sept.
Pinky offers a gentle perspective on parenting, without power struggles. She is passionate about how the prevalence of methods such as controlled crying and behaviour management can have adverse affects on both the parent/ child relationship, infant health and well-being, and parental confidence.
She says, "at any age, parent/child relationships should be based on mutual respect and trust, rather than issues of control , yet power struggles are beginning with infants as young as just a few weeks old over basic needs such as feeding and sleeping."
Pinky's stance against practices such as controlled crying and parent directed feeding  is based on emerging evidence that these practices can be associated with:
*Failure to thrive,
*infant depression,  
*changes to the physiology of the brain that may predispose children to stress disorders such as panic, anxiety and depression in later life.
Pinky will be speaking to parents  at Albury GymbaROO centre 7.30 pm Thursday 26 Sept.Her talk "Parenting By Heart" will encourage parents to take charge by becoming informed, then listening to their child and trusting their own instincts, rather than handing over their power to a myriad of expert advice which may be confusing, or irrelevant to an individual situation.
Cost $5 - bookings PH> Helen - (02) 6024 4464
----- Original Message -----
From: Joy Cocks
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] workshops

Hi Pinky,
Could I have details of your workshop/talk in Albury please?  Thanks,
Joy Cocks RN (Div 1) RM CBE IBCLC
BRIGHT Vic 3741
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, 11 September 2002 14:32
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] workshops

Hi Megan,
So far,
I am heading to talk in Albury on 26 sept.
Am getting quite a few invites and referring some to my agent as lots of time organising required -travel is tricky among mothering/ working etc but I will consider  if there is a group of interested mums and expenses covered.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 4:18 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] workshops

Hi Pinky,
do you ever travel with your workshops. I'm in Adelaide and would love to take part in one.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Patricia Mc kay
Sent: Thursday, 5 September 2002 2:33
Subject: [ozmidwifery] workshops

After all the talk of public liabilityI now find myself being asked to provide public liability coverage for workshops !! I need to do this to use the venue - has brought home how accepted is seems to be for people not to accept personal responsibility for their choices/ actions.
Will be putting the full outline on my website in a few days, but am holding a toddler wweekend workshop and a series of Gentle Beginnings as follows:
Gentle Beginnings


Discover gentle parenting options including how to calm and connect with your baby and enhance infant development naturally without pressure, as well as how to nurture yourself and your partner relationship. Gentle Beginnings, a series of six weekly workshops for parents or parents-to-be with Pinky McKay , author of ‘Parenting By Heart’ and ‘100 Ways to Calm the Crying’  commences 10.30am  Tuesday 15 October at Wyreena Community Arts Centre, Croydon. Cost $80 (incl GST).  No extra charge for partners.
Bookings – [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone (03)98011997.



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